- OFFERS for Clients
- OFFERS for Possibilitators
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- OFFERS for Clients
- OFFERS for Possibilitators
Learn more about Possibility Coaching
- OFFERS for Clients
- OFFERS for Possibilitators
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- OFFERS for Clients
- OFFERS for Possibilitators
Learn more about Possibility Coaching
Welcome to the Possibility Coaching Bridge-House
This page is for Clients, who want to come for an Emotional Healing Intensive-Week.
This is an invitation into our Healing Garden Intensive.
During your stay, you are healing and cultivating your inner garden.
You will find all important information about the offer and a logistical overview.
If you have open questions, please do not hesitate to get in contact with us. We love to get in touch!Your Possibility Coaches
Christine Dürschner
Possibility Coaching Speciality Spaceholder & Trainer, Decontamination Coach
Martin Šalanda
Nicole Hartley Bradford
Possibility Coach, EHP Warm Up Dojo Initiator
Emotional Healing Intensive Week
What it is all about
The Possibility Coaching Bridge-House is a multidimensional learning, practising, healing and transformational collaboration space contexted in Radical Responsibility and applying the distinctions of Possibility Management.
Every person plays an important role in this 3 month journey.
During an Emotional Intensive Week (7 days), you join the Bridge-House collaboration space as a Client during which you have access to Possibility Coaches and Emotional Healing Processes with the Coaches of the House.
You practice Next Culture Radical Relating skills, participate in the Life of the House as well as in the Torus Technology decision-making meetings of the Bridge-House.
Make leap on your Path of Healing with fellow edgeworkers.FLYER
Here you can download the flyer for the Emotional Healing Week Intensive.
Collaboration Fees
Join us for an amazing transformational time!
Collaboration Fee - 1000
For Clients living in Central Europe, UK, Costa Rica or North America
EUR 1000.00
per week
includes: Daily Possibility Coaching, EHPs, Food & Accommodation
Collaboration Fee - 750
For Clients living in Italy, Greece, Portugal, Poland and Czech Republic
EUR 750.00
per week
includes: Daily Possibility Coaching, EHPs, Food & Accommodation
Collaboration Fee - 600
For Clients living in South America, Central America (except Costa Rica), Egypt, Turkey or Mexico
EUR 600.00
per week
includes: Daily Possibility Coaching, EHPs, Food & Accommodation
How to become a Client
for 1 or 2 weeks of Transformation and Healing
Please select your collaboration fee as per your living location. By clicking the select button, an E-mail to us is opening up. Please send us your booking request which includes your living location, your availabilities and date wishes for your stay and what ever you want to share with us.
2We will get in touch (via mail or phone)
To set up a converview, which is a mix of interview and conversation, we will reach out. During the converview we will clarify open questions to determine, if this intensive week is a fit for you.
3Booking confirmation & Payment
Next, we will send you a booking confirmation, with accounting details. When your payment is on the account, your booking is fixed.
Q&A Call on the 30th of June 2022
We realized that for people with less or no experience in Possibility Management, the language and the information might be a lot.
Therefore, we decided to call in for a Q&A session for possible clients.
We answered questions from a possible client, and the answers might also help you to make your decision to join the Possibility Coaching Bridge-House for 1 or 2 weeks.
General Information
Logistics at the Possibility Coaching Bridge-House
This is the location: https://www.airbnb.de/rooms/47325659/photos?adults=16&children=0&infants=0&check_in=2023-01-09&check_out=2023-04-09&source_impression_id=p3_1656500098_8T0V95nPdutULmb9
Arrival time is Saturday during the day and the departures happen on Saturday mornings.Address:
387 73, Bavorov, South Bohemia
Bus stop is 200 m from the venue.Closest train station: Bavorov (300m)
Closest airports: Prag, CZ (140 km)
What is included into the COLLABORATION FEE?
The following is included into the weekly collaboration fee:
+ Arrival day - Saturday (Day 1)
+ Pick up at the closest train station
+ Organic vegetarian food - 3 meals per day prepared by us
+ 7 nights accommodation in a double/triple bedroom with another client
+ 6 Possibility Coaches available during the week
+ 1-2 sessions per day (Possibility Coaching, Emotional Healing Processes, Parts Work, Systemic Constellation, Feelings Work...)
+ Participate/Witness Bridge-House Meetings (Learn to apply Torus Technologies)
+ Take part in the Life of the Bridge-House (Movie nights, Book-Reading, walks,...)
+ Library - We have a little exquisite book collection from which you can read during your stay
+ Departure day - Saturday morning (Day 8)
+ Drop off at the closest train station
BOOKING SCHEDULE - Availabilities
In this sheet you will find all open slots. Clients with question marks (e.g. ???Alberta Smith) are incomplete bookings. Please only refer to open slots.
The Location
The Villa, with 17 beds, 6 rooms is located in CZ-Bavorov
The Villa
New renovated kitchen
6 Rooms
17 beds
2 Renovated bathrooms
2 extra toiletsView more details...The kitchen
The kitchen is well-equipped.
Several tables with 17 chairs.View more details...Rooms
There are 17 beds available.
One room will be used as a meeting room.
One little room as a session room.View more details...The bathrooms
There are 3 bathrooms
inclusive 3 toilets and 2 extra toilets on each floor.View more details...The garden
This is the huge garden with fireplace.
Until end of October there is a tent (40 qm) for sessions and meetings available.
Behind the garden fences on one side are fields, one side is a little factory
on the other side is the end of the village.View more details...Any QUESTIONS!
What answer you need to jump?
Get in Touch with Christine!
Not sure yet? Open questions? Contact us.