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- OFFERS for Possibilitators
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- OFFERS for Possibilitators
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- OFFERS for Clients
- OFFERS for Possibilitators
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- OFFERS for Clients
- OFFERS for Possibilitators
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Harvesting from the Possibility Coaching Bridge-House CZ 2022
Bridge-House Builder Daway Chou-Ren & Meredith Witt are interviewing Nicole Hartley Bradford, Martin Šalanda and Christine Dürschner about their experiences and learnings from the PCBH in Czech Republic 2022.
What is a Possibility Coaching Bridge-House?
A Team of Possibilitators is co-creating a network of global Rapid-Learning Environments, rich with profound thoughtware upgrades and authentic adulthood initiatory processes.
We are cavitating space, in which Healing, Transformation & Collaboration thrives.
This 3 month project is called 'Possibility Coaching Bridge-House'.
The Possibility Coaching Bridge House was a 3- month long multi-level learning, healing and transformational experiment empowering the shift into Phase 2 of adulthood. All were invited to hold the context of Radical Responsibility as close to their center and the core of every interaction as possible.
Each person has a piece of the puzzle of how to create and inhabit regenerative human cultures on Earth. The purpose of Bridge-House is to clarify, amplify, and launch your piece of the puzzle.
Where does the 'bridge' of a Bridge-House lead? It leads from the edges of modern culture over to next culture - archearchy - the culture that is naturally emerging now that matriarchy and patriarchy have run their course.
Each Possibilitator carries deep within them a longing to co-create how next culture goes. Each of these 'Possibilitator Specialties' need space and time to grow, to mature, to produce results that empower others to build-out and inhabit these elements of next culture.
This is how Bridge-Houses incubates spaceholders for building creatively-collaborating regenerative-culture local-authority nanonations.
We have arrived at a stage in human evolution where the importance of learning new ways to come together and collaborate can no longer be ignored. The challenges that lie ahead are considerable, and will require personal change.
Almost every intelligent person dreams of more connection and community in their lives. Yet most have not learned the necessary soft skills to grow up. Growing up for enabling ourselves to harmoniously and effectively share space or create and sustain Gameworlds collaboratively.
This is part of what we were devoted to during this project; honing, experientially in the living laboratory of the Possibility Coaching Bridge-House, along with the Possibilitator context and core skills.
Here is one of the edges: co-shaping new language. Because col-lab-orating in the Possibility Coaching Bridge-House was not based on modern culture consumption-based thinking, words and definitions shaped and charged in Patriarchy were not appropriate to use. Therefore, we are ongoingly inventing language.
Part-Takers are actually Part-Makers in a Possibility Coaching Bridge-House.
They are col-lab-orators.
Lab means laboratory, but also work. Orator means listening.
Collaborators, Possibility Coaches, Apprentices, Clients listen and experiment within their working speciality.
- Originator
- Possibility Coaches
- Apprentices
- Clients
Everyone is part of this journey. The originator started from the beginning and others, like clients and guests, collaborate for a short period of time. Everyone is equally important to in their contribution to this collective experience.
A Bridge-House is a rapid-learning culture-shift environment open to anyone who is fully participating in Possibilitator Training. (Full details of the Possibilitator Path are given at the Possibilitator Training website.)
- Every aspect of modern life as we have come to know it is unregenerative (read that as 'ecocidal', meaning, a death sentence for life on planet Earth).
The known world is in a state of radical flux. It is groundless, and baseless, because modern culture is exterminating life on Earth at the fastest possible rate.
All known procedures are in question... commerce, education, health, government, military, religion, food production, lifestyle, transportation, clothing... but what are the answers? They too are emerging from the unknown. This means that each Bridge-House is, by necessity, a research center, sharing the findings from experiments with other Bridge-Houses around the world.
Clients joing the Possibility Coaching Bridge- House entered into a held space for Transformation & Healing. In the context of Radical Responsibility we recognize 3 Phase Healing which opens the possibility to radical personal change. Clients (and indeed each Teammate) left the house a different Being than they entered.
Embedded into a collective of Spaceholders, who are holding the context of Next Culture, each part-taker was invited to do their own personal research of Healing and Transformation.
Resources of Spaceholding for Emotional Healing Processes (EHP) & Coaching were available. Additionally, we practiced Torus Technology and Possibility Management and as a natural outcome living in a collaborative community setting, deepened the understanding of what is possible when you decide to co-create Next Culture.
The Codex
For the Possibility Coaching Bridge-House Gameworld
A sample Codex for any kind of Bridge-House is available at http://bridge-house.mystrikingly.com.
(For further information on what a Gameworld Codex is, please study http://nanonations.mystrikingly.com and http://gameworldbuilder.mystrikingly.com.)
For the Possibility Coaching Bridge-House the codex began with:
PURPOSE: A Possibility Coaching Bridge-House is a next-culture life-skills training environment that combines synergetic learning with temporary community, and providing Spaces for Healing & Transformation for shorter term guests. Except for the Possibility Coaching Bridge-House Spaceholders, the time that a Bridge-House Client or Guest stays is estimated to be no longer than 2 weeks.
Qualification to participate in a Possibility Coaching Bridge-House included:
Be an active participant in Possibilitator Training. Specifically this means that before coming to the Bridge-House you have already participated in at least one 3-5 day Expand The Box training, and at least one Possibility Lab, and that you are committed to this Path that includes participating in at least 10 Possibility Labs during the next few years.
- Make at least one Kiva loan of at least $25 as a member of the Archearchy Kiva Team.
- Actively playing the StartOver.xyz free-to-play massively-multiplayer online-and-offline matrix-building thoughtware-upgrade personal-transformation true-life adventure-game.
- Read at least the following ten books on the Possibility Management (bring your library to the Bridge-House) Recommended Reading List at Go Explore: 1) Secrets of the Talking Jaguar by Martín Prechtel, 2) Long Life Honey In The Heart by Martín Prechtel (read Secrets of the Talking Jaguar first...), 3) Original Wisdom by robert wolff, 4) Dune by Frank Herbert, 5) Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card, 6) Of Water and the Spirit by Malidoma Patrice Somé, 7) Self Observation by Red Hawk, 8) The Kin Of Ata Are Waiting For You by Dorothy Bryant, 9) Treason by Orson Scott Card, and, 10) Mount Analogue by René Daumal.
- Make Your Website and Build Your Circle, plus proceed as far as you can through the 10 Doorways.
A Possibility Coaching Bridge-House is originated by a Possibility Coach, who invites other Possibility Coaches to hold space.
To become an Apprentice Possibility Coach in a Bridge-House, the first step is: Apply.
Initial contact for the original Possibility Coaching BRidge-House was be made by sending a message at the Apply Button below. Applicants were requested to fill out a written Application Form with their background information. They also were interviewed by the Spaceholder Team current at the time of application. The final decision about being accepted to participate as an Apprentice in the first Possibility Coaching Bridge-House lay with the Spaceholder(s) of that specific Bridge-House.
The Context of a Gameworld establishes the Gameworld's relationship to consciousness, responsibility, and transformation.
Bridge-House Collaborators are active participants in the authentic evolutionary Path of Possibilitator Training. This insures that every Bridge-House is Contexted in:
- Archearchy
- Adulthood which is Decontaminated from Child, Parent, and Gremlin Ego States
- Ongoing 3 Phase Transformational Healing Processes
- Ongoing Emotional Healing Processes
- Ongoing Authentic Adulthood Initiatory Processes
- Radical Responsibility
- High Drama
- Upgraded Thoughtware
- Bright Principles
- Four Archetypal Lineages
- Technopenuriaphobia Healing
- Torus Meeting Technologies (e.g. The Purple Card, Frying Pan, Wok, M.E.S.S., Wisdom Counsel, Poop On The Table, etc.)
- Plus the Study Groups, Possibility Teams, Rage Clubs, Fear Clubs, Trainings, Tools, Thoughtmaps, Distinctions, S.P.A.R.K. Experiments, and Processes of Possibility Management.
Bridge-House spaceholders painfully recognized that the so-called 'rule-of-law' of the so-called 'modern civilization' (capitalist patriarchal empire) is a failed construct that leads directly to planetary suicide and near-term human extinction.
Therefore, the Bridge-House Codex holds that anyone who continues to abide by the rule-of-law of modern civilization is criminally insane, and anyone defending the rule-of-law of modern civilization has already forfeited their life.
Therefore, Bridge-House adopts a Bill of Wrongs.
The Bridge-House Bill of Wrongs
The Bridge-House Gameworld:
- Forbids modern civilization’s rule of law.
- Forbids ownership of land. (Land cannot be taken away from Gaia.)
- Forbids ownership of mineral or organic resources (so-called 'natural resources').
- Forbids 'monetizing natural capital'.
- Forbids corporate personhood.
- Forbids copyright and patents. (http://creativecommons.org)
- Forbids hiring employees. (Forbids slavery, including economic slavery.)
- Forbids working as an employee. (Irresponsibility is an illusion. Security is a fantasy world.)
- Forbids hierarchical power structures. (http://torustechnology.org, see S.P.A.R.K.221)
- Forbids public schools. (http://quitschool.org)
- Forbids win-lose games. (http://3games.strikingly.com)
- Forbids externalizing environmental costs or social costs to future generations, third world countries, or Gaia.
- Forbids profit. (https://www.postgrowth.org/)
- Forbids financial gambling in any form, e.g. health insurance, stocks, futures. (http://artabana.de)
- Forbids renting money (interest).
- Forbids paid lobbyists.
- Forbids paid politicians.
- Forbids absentee ownership (stockholders, landlords, ownership of multiple properties).
- Forbids brands. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_Logo)
- Forbids franchises.
- Forbids toxic wastes and byproducts.
- Forbids weapons of mass destruction.
- Forbids armed or armored vehicles (land, sea, air, or space).
- Forbids any weapon with an effective range over one kilometer.
- Forbids disposables.
- Forbids beliefs. (http://thoughtwareupgrade.xyz)
- And forbids lawyers.
The Bridge-House Bill of Wrongs does not pretend to abide by natural law, because natural law can be construed to allow parasites, gangsters, vampires, zombies, ghouls, blackmail, corruption, manipulation, revenge, power over, cancers, disease viruses, survival-of-the-fittest concepts, psychopaths, and 'acts of God'. And if you have ever seen hungry frigate birds snatch up and swallow freshly-hatched baby sea turtles scuttling frantically and defenselessly towards the ocean waves trying to begin their life, you know that nature can be construed to allow terrorists too. The Bill of Wrongs exists in Bridge-House out of choosing Radical Responsibility and High Drama for our Context.
Since Bridge-House stands in its own context and culture, using a currency from another gameworld (namely, western banks) is a form of contamination. Bridge-House collaborates with other archearchy gameworlds around the world, including other Bridge-Houses, yet since archearchy infrastructure is still in development, it is still necessary to have access to a supply of modern culture currencies to make exchanges.
The first Possibility Coaching Bridge-House managed modern culture currencies without contamination of its own Context by holding a buffer-zone at its perimeter that negotiated what came in and what went out, much the same as the organic life functions of a cell wall. Value from the Bridge-House went into the Currency Buffer Node (see http://torustechnology.mystrikingly.com to learn more about Nodes) and when necessary was converted into modern culture currencies. Modern culture currencies were not used for exchanges inside the Possibility Coaching Bridge-House gameworld. Instead, Bridge-House uses true value exchanges such as the Gaia.
The Possibility Coaching Bridge-House Currency Buffer Node declared that there are two type of Collaboration Fees for participating in a Possibility Coaching Bridge-House. A monthly fee for Possibility Coaches (Spaceholders and Apprentice) and a weekly fee for Clients which includes receiving EHPs (Emotional Healing Process) & Possibility Coaching sessions.
Collaboration Fees were used to pay for Bridge-House costs for exchanges with what remains of modern culture, for example: rent, utilities (water, heating, Wi-Fi, electricity), food (garden supplies, tools), transportation, project tools and materials, maintenance tools and materials, repair tools and materials, construction tools and materials, guest trainer fees, evolution supplies.
For Clients, the weekly Collaboration Fee included food & accommodation and receiving Possibility Coaching sessions and Emotional Healing Processes during the stay.
For Clients:
The Collaboration Fee was paid up front. With the booking confirmation (max. 2 weeks), Clients received the account details for the fee transfer.
The weekly amount of the Collaboration Fee varied depending on which country the Client lived in.
For Clients living in Central Europe, UK, Costa Rica, or North America, the Collaboration Fee was EUR 1000 per week.
For Clients living in Italy, Greece, Portugal or Poland and Czech Republic, the Collaboration Fee was 750 EUR per week.
Clients living in South America, Central America (except Costa Rica), Egypt, Turkey, or Mexico, the Collaboration Fee was 600 EUR per week.
For Possibility Coaches and Apprentices:
The Collaboration Fee was paid either up front for the entire stay of 3 months, or monthly on the first day of each month, to the main Possibility Coaching Bridge-House Main Spaceholder in cash. No receipts were given because a Bridge-House is not a business.
A Bridge-House is a creative collaboration, as if a group of people put their money together to journey through South East Asia. Bridge-House Collaborators put their money together to journey through the evolution of consciousness.
The Possibility Coaching Bridge-House Main Spaceholder was responsible for accounting for who donated how much and when into the Collaboration Fee, and exactly for what the Collaboration Fees was used (with dated receipts). This bookkeeping was kept public.
The monthly amount of the Collaboration Fee for Possibility Coaching Spaceholders and Apprentices was EUR 1000.
Where did the money come from? Each Bridge-House Collaborator created funds for their Collaboration Fee along the way through delivering actual Value.
In the case of Europe, the €1000 per month might have come from:
- Holding space for seven to ten online Possibility Coaching, Possibility Mediation, or Possibility Psychology sessions at €100-€150 per session.
- One in person or online Rage Club (four weeks, 2.5-hours-once-per-week) for at least 6 participants at €180 per participant.
- Five in person or online Work-Talks (1.5-hours-long) for at least 20 participants at €10 per participant.
- One in person or online Workshop (4-hours-long) for at least 13 participants at €80 per participant.
- Or any combination of the above
- Or any other possibilities
Possibility Coaches/Spaceholders
Autumn until winter 2022 - Czech Republic -Bavorov
Christine Dürschner
Possibility Coaching Speciality Spaceholder & Trainer, Decontamination Coach, Initiator Possibility Coaching Bridge-House
Martin Šalanda
Nicole Hartley Bradford
Possibility Coach, EHP Warm Up Dojo Initiator
Possibility Coaching Apprentices
Gabriela Fagundes Moreira
Intensive Week for Clients
What it is all about
In the first Possibility Coaching Bridge-House ~ as a multidimensional learning, practising, healing and transformational collaboration space contexted in Radical Responsibility, and applying the distinctions of Possibility Management ~ every person played an important role in the 3 month journey.
During an Emotional Intensive Week (7 days), Clients joined the Bridge-House collaboration space during which they had access to Possibility Coaches and Emotional Healing Processes with the Coaches of the House. They practice Next Culture Radical Relating skills, participated in the Life of the House as well as in the Torus Technology decision-making meetings of the Bridge-House.
Clients made leaps on their Path of Healing with fellow edgeworkers.
Meeting Technologies & Values
Experiments, Research, Feedback, Shift, Go!
Meetings and many decisions at Bridge-Houses use Torus Technology, a circular meeting technology that relies on Spaceholding and Space Navigation to optimize group intelligence through Divergences and Convergences (rather than 'leadership'). These Torus Technology processes include:
- Frying Pan
- Growness
- Holistic Decision Making
- Men's Circle
- M.E.S.S. Process
- Phoenix Process
- Poop On The Table
- Requiem Process
- Resistance Decision Making
- Tar Baby Process
- The Problem Is The Solution
- The Purple Card
- WEConFest
- Whizz Bang
- Wisdom Counsel
- Wok
- Women's Circle
- and more to discover and develop
Nothing can possibly change if you do not Upgrade Your Thoughtware with regard to Responsibility.
If you are still using Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware (S.H.I.T.) with regard to Responsibility, you cannot depart from Ordinary Spaces and therefore are trapped in ordinary communication, ordinary relationship, and other ordinary life functions.
Without departing from Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware you cannot enter the precious domains of Radical Responsibility and Extraordinary Relating.
Without Decontaminating your Adult Ego State from your Gremlin Ego State, your Child Ego State, your Parent Ego State (and from any 'Demon Ego States' you may happen to have picked up...) the Adult Ego State is partly up to completely inaccessible to you.
Every time you try to be Adult, you cannot, because Child, Parent, or Gremlin (or all 3) occupy your Adult space.
Without being able to be Adult you CANNOT enter the delightfully ecstatic Archetypal Domains.
A decontaminated Adult Ego State becomes a Doorway into the Archetypal domains that Authentically Initiated Adults are designed to explore.
Integrity is created and maintained by doing what you say you will do. You are in Integrity when you keep the promises you make.
Authenticity is revealed when you take off your mask, lose face, end the show, remove the buffer zones, assassinate your assumptions, expectations, and projections, and transform all of your resentments into evolutionary healing processes.
Authority emerges when you transform your concept of 'hierarchical power structures' into creative collaborations by reclaiming your power to make Proposals. Then instead of assuming you have some kind of position in each apparent 'hierarchy' as determined by someone else in 'authority', you become Present to collaborative creating in a Minimized here and NOW. You stand in your own irrefutable Authority and engage in Radical Relating.
Accountability with your Accountability. This means not believing that if you explain your reasons really well you are no longer responsible.
Accountability with your Hookability. This means not believing that being Hooked sometimes is a fine way to feed your Gremlin.
Accountability with your Reactivity. This means not believing that if you understand your Reactivity you don't have to grow up.
Accountability with your Gremlin and his/her Hidden Purpose. This means not believing that blaming your actions on Gremlin your lets you off the hook.
Accountability with Decontaminating your Adult Ego State. This means not believing that having your Gremlin in charge only 30% of the time is better than 40% of the time.
Accountability with your Bright Principles. This means not believing that sometimes you can use your Bright Principles and sometimes you can forget all about them.
Accountability with your Archetypal Lineage. This means not believing that you can keep your childhood survival strategy intact while serving your Archetypal Lineage.
Accountability with being part of Gaia. This means not believing that you are a passenger on 'spaceship Earth' but rather that you ARE Earth.
Accountability with your collaboration with E.C.C.O. (Earth Coincidence Control Office). This means not believing that your life is independent of the greater forces in the Universe.
Radical Relating is the name for adult Ego State, Radically Responsible, Minimized NOW, minimized HERE, Being to Being interactions. Radical Relating is one of the skillsets practiced by Possibilitators in Mage Training and Flying School.
Radical Relating emerges from combining:
Many people still unconsciously use parts of their childhood Survival Strategy during interactions. This eliminates the possibility of Adult interactions. The inability to inhabit a Decontaminated Adult Ego State blocks access to the Archetypal Domains, and thus blocks access to the ecstatic delights of Archetypal 5-Body Intimacy Journeys.One of the practices at Bridge-House is to help each other build out and inhabit an Adult personality to inhabit, rather than exclusively focusing on Emotional Healing Processes and trying to find out what 'the next step' to take is. Through this Adult Character Development we help each other discover and inhabit who each of us potentially is as a Free And Natural Initiated Adult living as the space through which our Archetypal Lineage and Bright Principles can do their work in the world.BRIDGE-HOUSE PREPARATIONS
Personal preparations that empower you to collaborate in co-creating a Bridge-House include the same preparations as proceeding on the Possibilitator Path, with the addition of a few more, namely:
- Get out of debt. Period. Repay all loans. Commit to doing this before you know how to do it. It can help tremendously to Become Money so that you exchange direct value rather than living as an economic slave of the banking systems using the Belief that you need money to live.
- Get out of your parents' house. This means remove all of your physical possession from their premises. It also means to escape from your parents' culture. The most effective way to do that is to Go Travel for at least 3 months in South East Asia.
- Get out of modern culture's materialistic value system. Specifically this would mean to decrease your physical possessions down to what fits into a carry-on bag (22 centimeters x 35 centimeters x 56 centimeters) or (9 inches x 14 inches x 22 inches).
- Make it a practice to ongoingly learn new Technopenuriaphobia healing skills.
- Go through the 10 Doorways and build Your Circle.
- Become an Experimenter. Do Experiments to earn over 500 Matrix Points in your account at the StartOver.xyz free-to-play massively-multiplayer online-and-offline matrix-building thoughtware-upgrade personal-transformation true-life adventure-game. Choose the Experiments that turn you on and feed your soul. This will give you clear information about, and move you forward towards the specialty your Archetypal Lineage intends to build out as your piece of the next culture puzzle.
We need you to succeed at delivering what you came here to deliver.Thus ends the Bridge-House Codex.ARE YOU READY TO BUILD AND CROSS THE BRIDGE?
- Contact Us
For Possibility Coaches & Apprentices
The first Possibility Coaching Bridge-House experiment is complete. If you think you want to be part of a future Possibility Coaching Bridge-House, send us a letter. We will get back to you as soon as possible.
For Clients
If you want to join such a project as a Client for 1 or 2 weeks, please read "How to become a Client" section and send an email. We will answer with possibilities for you.
For Possibilitators
If you want to join during one of the Possibilitator Creation Weeks in such a project, please navigate to the OFFERS for Possibilitators in the side bar.
Experiments that empower you
to enter the Possibility Coaching Bridge-House...
a way, which... by the way... does not come to an end.
Become a Possibilitator
Matrix Code BHPOSCOA.00
Get More Clarity About Current Reality
Matrix Code BRDIGEHO.01
Conscious pain is about the only motivation strong enough to drive someone to make a lifestyle change. New awarenesses that make you angry enough to try something new come from lowering your marshmallow-sweet buffer zone, letting the delusion dissolve, and finding out what is really going on.
For this Experiment, please read through the What Now website... slowly.
While reading the words and watching the videos, lower your Numbness Bar so that your mind does not skip over the painful realizations.
Then write a 2 to 3 page article titled: Three Things I Want To Change. Let your nonlinear intelligence choose the three things you are angry enough about to move into a life that leaves these three things out. In your article, explain practical alternative possibilities that you would prefer to have in your life to replace the three things from which you will step away.
This, obviously, is a personal article, meaning that there are no objectively true answers about what you would prefer. Which is super! Because it means you cannot get it wrong! Please publish your article online at http://medium.com.
After you have published your article, please register Matrix Code BRIDGEHO.01 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. Please give the link to your article as the PROOF. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Walk With The Edge Of The Patriarchy Beside You
Matrix Code BHPOSCOA.00
Create The Culture You Would Love To Live In
Matrix Code BRIDGEHO.03
It can be a shock to realize that next culture - archearchy - is NOT already built and ready for you to occupy like the culture of the Na'vi was for Jake Sully to move into in James Cameron's film Avatar.
There is nearly nothing ready for you. If you want a different culture, you will need to design it, build it, and move into by your own volition.
You probably do not have the balls, the determination, the fierceness to do that. Instead you will probably forget that you read this Experiment and simply go on to something less painful.
But hey! You don't have to. You could take me seriously. (I take myself seriously...) This Experiment is to skip over the comforting sense of, "I don't know," then enter the present (where you cannot already know because in the present all you get is improvisation and creation), and choose 3 specific qualities or elements of a culture you would love to live in.
Grab your Beep! Book and write the three elements out, like a free-form poem. Do not try to make it nice. (Every new idea at first sounds crazy!)
Then for each of your 3 qualities, write out 3 specific actions you would take if that quality was the culture you truly lived in.
Now you have 9 Experiments to try (3 actions for each of the 3 qualities). During this next week, do each of these 9 behaviors three times. Do each one with dynamic fervor, ferocious commitment, indubitable enthusiasm, and joyful thoroughness, so your behavior lands totally in the current space in everyone's awareness and everyone's 5 Bodies, but do the behavior for YOUR OWN ENJOYMENT, not to do anything to the other people. Do not try to change anyone else. They are living in the culture they want to live in. So you get to live in the culture you want to live in! It is only fair, right? Have a hell of a good time, right there in front of the others without any excuse.
After you have accomplished all 27 of these actions, please register Matrix Code BRIDGEHO.03 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the PROOF section write 12 words about what you learned. This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Start playing
Matrix Code BHPOSCOA.00
Matrix Code BHPOSCOA.00
How can you actually feel love?
Matrix Code BHPOSCOA.00
Matrix Code BHPOSCOA.00
Matrix Code BHPOSCOA.00
Matrix Code BHPOSCOA.00
Matrix Code BHPOSCOA.00
Matrix Code BHPOSCOA.00
Matrix Code BHPOSCOA.00
Global Bridge-Houses
Growing like mushrooms all over the globe.
Bridge-House #1
Gaia, the consciousness of Earth
- NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play massively-multiplayer online-and-offline thoughtware-upgrade matrix-building personal-transformation real-life adventure-game called StartOver.xyz. It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can relocate your point of origin and create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a low drama life of reactivity. No one can upgrade your thoughtware for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code BHPOSCOA.00 to log your Matrix Point for reading this website on StartOver.xyz. Thank you for playing full out!